Is Structured Content the Future?

Word on the street is that structured content is the way to go when building Documentation AI Assistants. This blog begins to explore that concept and shares our thoughts.

by Erin West
September 10, 2024

In recent years, AI models and large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized industries by automating tasks and streamlining workflows. Even technical documentation, a field historically dependent on human precision, is feeling the transformative potential of AI. But with all the talk about using AI in documentation, the key questions remain: What exactly is AI’s role in technical documentation? And how can we harness its full potential?

What is AI’s Role in Documentation?

AI’s role in documentation has evolved beyond automating repetitive tasks. It’s now an integral part of content creation, editing, and management processes. AI can generate, optimize, and enhance documents. However, like any tool, its output quality depends on the quality of the input. The more structured and organized the data we provide, the more sophisticated and useful the results will be.

Benefits of Maximizing AI in Documentation

Integrating AI into documentation processes offers several advantages:

  • Increased efficiency: AI automates routine tasks such as formatting and proofreading, freeing writers to focus on content quality.
  • Enhanced collaboration: AI enables better communication between teams, particularly in remote work environments.
  • Maintained consistency: AI-driven workflows help ensure a consistent voice, tone, and style across all documents.
  • Scalability: As your content library grows, AI helps manage large datasets while maintaining high-quality outputs.

However, the key to maximizing AI’s utility lies in how we structure our documentation data. How can we ensure that AI and LLMs work seamlessly with technical documents?

How Do We Achieve the Best Results from AI in Documentation?

To answer this, we first need to understand how LLMs function. LLMs generate responses based on data inputs, but they require highly structured and well-organized data to produce efficient, accurate outputs. This is where structured content comes into play.

Understanding LLMs and How They Process Data

  • Data Vectoring: LLMs interpret data by converting words, phrases, and sentences into numerical values (vectors). The more structured the data, the easier it is for an LLM to process and produce accurate, relevant responses.

  • Prompts: How well we prompt or query an LLM has a direct impact on its output. A well-structured dataset enables the AI to provide more relevant and precise responses. The better the prompt formulation, the more useful the AI’s output will be.

  • Databases & Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAGs): A key component of AI’s efficiency is its ability to access and retrieve information from databases. This is where Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAGs) play a crucial role by enhancing LLM performance with real-time data retrieval.

    • Text-based RAGs: Ideal for pulling relevant text to enrich the AI’s output.
    • Graphic RAGs: These work alongside AI models to provide both textual and visual data, which is especially useful for technical documentation requiring diagrams or charts. Structured data is essential here, as it allows RAGs to quickly retrieve accurate information from organized sources.
  • Cost and Storage Considerations: While advanced AI models are invaluable, they come with cost and storage considerations. By maintaining well-structured and centralized content, we can ensure that only essential information is processed and stored, optimizing both cost and resource usage.

How to Build the Best Workflow: Start with Structured Documentation

The most effective way to leverage AI in technical documentation is by establishing a solid foundation of structured content. This involves adopting a single-source format that serves both AI tools and advanced publishing needs.

  • Structured Documentation: Structured content breaks documentation into well-defined sections, making it easier for AI to index and retrieve relevant information. Unlike unstructured content, which can lead to confusion and inefficiencies, structured documentation provides clear pathways for AI models to follow.

  • Single-Source Formats: Adopting a single-source format allows companies to ensure that their technical documentation serves multiple purposes—catering to both AI-driven systems and advanced publishing workflows. Writers create content once, which can then be repurposed across different platforms and formats.

  • Consistency Across Channels: Structured content can be adapted for various output formats (e.g., online help, print manuals, mobile documents) while maintaining consistency in voice and style.

  • Streamlined Collaboration: With structured content, all teams—writers, developers, and editors—work from the same source, improving communication and reducing redundancies.


AI’s future in technical documentation is intrinsically tied to structured content. As AI technology continues to evolve, structured documentation will become even more crucial in maximizing its efficiency. By understanding how LLMs work (through data vectoring, prompts, and optimized database systems like RAGs) we can create workflows that enhance AI performance and drive greater efficiency and scalability in technical writing.

To stay ahead in the AI-driven world of technical documentation, embracing structured content is key to unlocking the full potential of AI models.

Further Reading